Facial Hair at Work

The rise of facial hair has experienced significant growth in the last few years, and may prove to be a trend that sticks. Millennials have heavily adopted the scruff and bearded lifestyle. While more and more men are choosing to sport facial hair, the stigma of facial hair in the workplace has become a topic of discussion. 

While style and fashion trends are and will always be changing, facial hair has been around throughout the years. In recent years, beards and facial hair were not common, or even tolerated, in certain work environments. The clean, shaven look was largely associated with professionalism. This view is quickly changing though. More and more men today are opting to grow a beard rather than shave. Beards and scruff in the workplace are much more common and accepted today. While this still may be a debate in some industries, such as food or health, it is becoming common in many offices and work environments.  

Men are sporting their facial hair at work but keeping it professional by cleaning and grooming regularly. Men are taking more consideration into their facial hair and self-grooming, as they should. This is key to pulling-off facial hair. Not only does regular cleaning and grooming keep your beard looking sharp, it also keeps you healthy. A trimmed and well-groomed scruff or beard can still look great, even in your morning meetings. 

Carrying over the clean, well-groomed look into your wardrobe, along with a professional behavior will show that you take yourself seriously. Putting the time and care into how you present yourself will never be a wasted effort. While the specific company that you work for will dictate how you dress and your appearance while on the job, beards at work are becoming increasingly popular. If you are not able to sport a beard at work, then you can still own the clean, smooth shave look.


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